      1. 韩志冰简介
      2. 韩志冰,1965年生于山东鄄城。毕业于山东师范大学美术学院油画系。中国美术家网总裁,文化部中国艺术节基金会副秘书长,原中国国家画院国展美术中心主任,中国五台山书画艺术研究院院长,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师。 Han Zhibing is a member of China Artist Association and a national first-class artist. He was born in Juancheng, Shandong Province, in 1965. He majored in oil painting and g... 详细>>






        Welcome to learn Traditional Chinese Painting
        Lesson 8. Drawing bamboo in Chinese ink and wash painting—the method of drawing bamboo leaf
        Drawing bamboo leaf first should outline three lines like Chinese characters “个”,and
        Then learn to draw the lines like Chinese characters of “分”, drawing method in cursive hand is outlining bamboo leaf at freehand brushwork, should observe the skill that is using the large-size of the brush to draw the small painting, and the contrary of it should avoid by all means. Buying the large-size of brand of “Lanzhu Pen”. Quickly to press and lift at beginning to outline the leaf without any pause or slow of it to avoid of folding to that effect. Before drawing the bamboo leaf, should know the growth structures of it, the better way to know it well is to sketch it and to observe it in the bamboo garden, and another method is to take a white scarves closely to the bamboo at backlighting for a effect, and then, the silhouette of the bamboo appeared in the scarves just like admiring a natural landscape. To have more practice according to the pictures provided, always remember that practise makes perfect.


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