      1. 韩志冰简介
      2. 韩志冰,1965年生于山东鄄城。毕业于山东师范大学美术学院油画系。中国美术家网总裁,文化部中国艺术节基金会副秘书长,原中国国家画院国展美术中心主任,中国五台山书画艺术研究院院长,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师。 Han Zhibing is a member of China Artist Association and a national first-class artist. He was born in Juancheng, Shandong Province, in 1965. He majored in oil painting and g... 详细>>







         “介”与“个”的画法上一课已讲,竹有新枝,竹叶有大小、长短相交、有大小长短分叶、有似飞叶、有斜上的画法、有两叶斜向左、有两叶斜向右、有“人”字形、有“入”字形。 见图多练习就会慢慢熟悉其中过程。
        Welcome to learn Traditional Chinese Painting
        Lesson 9. Drawing bamboo in Chinese ink and wash painting—the method of drawing bamboo leaf
        I had given an explanation about drawing the leaf which can be outlined like Chinese words of “介” and “个”. Fresh branches are arising continually from bamboo and the same like leafs as well. The shape of leafs are large and small、long and short intersect at each other, etc. So the method in drawing it is also different, like outlining in sloping way、two leafs incline to left、and another two leafs incline to right、some of the shape like Chinese word “人”、and some of them like “入”. More practise referring to the pictures attached and then it will be more familiar with the process there into the drawing.



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